Rhode Island Obstruction Of Justice Lawyer

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Rhode Island Obstruction Of Justice Attorney

Obstruction of Justice is against the law in Rhode Island, and it can have some serious consequences. It may not seem like a big deal at the time of the incident, but even something minor can be considered obstruction of justice.

If you have been charged with Obstruction of Justice, it is important to hire an experienced Rhode Island criminal defense lawyer to help represent you on the charge.

What is Obstruction of Justice?

Obstruction of Justice is defined in Rhode Island General Laws § 11-32-1. It states the following definition: “Every person who shall obstruct any officer, civil, military, or otherwise, including any state, city, or town police, deputy sheriff, or fire fighter, while in the execution of his or her office or duty.”

What are the Penalties for Obstruction of Justice?

  • Up to one (1) year in jail;
  • Up to $500 fine;
  • Potential Probation;
  • Possible Misdemeanor Conviction.

What is Obstructing the Judicial System?

Obstructing the judicial system is a felony, and It is defined in Rhode Island General Law 11-32-3 as the following: “Whoever corruptly, maliciously, recklessly, by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede any grand or petit juror or officer in or of any court of this state or officer who may be serving at any examination or other proceeding before any justice, magistrate, or other officer of the court, in the discharge of his or her duty; or injures any party on his or her person or property on account of his or her attending or having attended such court or examination before such justice, magistrate, or other officer, or on account of his or her testifying or having testified to any matter pending in it; or injures any grand or petit juror in his or her person or property on account of any verdict or indictment assented to by him or her, or on account of being or having been a juror, or injures any justice, magistrate, or other officer in his or her person or property on account of the performance of his or her official duties; or corruptly, maliciously, recklessly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice”

What are the Penalties for Obstructing the Judicial System?

  • Up to 5 years in jail;
  • Up to $5,000 fine;
  • Potential Probation;
  • Possible Felony Conviction.

What is Intimidating a Witness?

Under Rhode Island General Laws 11-32-5(a) an individual who either verbally threatens or communicates a threat to a victim or witness is guilty of a misdemeanor and can be punished by up to one year in prison, a $500 fine, or both. There is also felony intimidating a witness codified in 11-32-5(b) and involves inflicting physical injury as a manner of intimidating a witness. This felony is considered very serious and can be punished by up to five years in prison, a $5,000 fine, or both.

What are the Penalties for Intimidating a Witness?

Intimidation of Victims or Witnesses In Case:

  • Up to one year in jail;
  • Up to $500 fine;
  • Potential Probation;
  • Possible Misdemeanor Conviction.

Intimidation of Victims or Witnesses and Causes Physical Injury or Property Damage:

  • Up to 5 years in jail;
  • Up to $5,000 fine;
  • Potential Probation;
  • Possible Felony Conviction.

What is Falsely Reporting a Crime?

Falsely Reporting a Crime is defined under Rhode Island General Laws 11-32-2 as when a person “knowingly make(s) or cause(s) to be made a false statement of a crime, either oral or written, with intent that it be relied upon by a police officer of any city or town or by any member of the state police.”

What are the Penalties for Falsely Reporting a Crime?

  • Up to 1 year in jail;
  • Up to $500 fine;
  • Potential Probation;
  • Possible Misdemeanor Conviction
  • Possible restitution for any damage caused to the person falsely accused of a crime

If you or a loved one are charged with Obstruction of Justice, you do not need to fight the charges alone. Do not hesitate to contact Rhode Island Obstruction Lawyers at Ellison Law LLC today at 401-230-5520.


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