
No Complaint Issued at Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing for Improper Storage of a Firearm in Massachusetts

March, 2024

The experienced criminal defense lawyers at Ellison Law LLC, recently achieved an exceptional outcome for one of our clients! At a Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing, no complaint was issued against our client for Improper Storage of a Firearm in Massachusetts.

Our client received a Summons for a Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing in Massachusetts for Improper Storage of a Firearm. Our client was being accused of not keeping their firearm stored in a safe locked container or with a proper gun lock to comply with the improper storage laws.

After discussing the circumstances of what happened with our client, our team of passionate criminal defense attorneys got to work. Our attorneys immediately started performing legal research, and conducted an investigation into the case. At the Magistrate’s Hearing, our attorneys presented our arguments to the Clerk Magistrate and police department.

The Clerk Magistrate agreed with our arguments and ultimately chose not to issue the complaint against our client. As a result, our client did not have a criminal record from this incident.

If you are charged with any crime in Massachusetts, contact the criminal defense attorneys at Ellison Law LLC today.

Practice area(s):
No Complaint Issued at Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing for Improper Storage of a Firearm in Massachusetts
David Ellison

Attorney David Ellison is the Founding Attorney of Ellison Law LLC.

No Complaint Issued at Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing for Improper Storage of a Firearm in Massachusetts
Allyson Quay

Attorney Allyson Quay is an Associate Attorney for Ellison Law LLC.

No Complaint Issued at Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing for Improper Storage of a Firearm in Massachusetts
Laurie Ellison

Laurie Ellison is the Operations Manager for Ellison Law LLC. She is a Certified Public Accountant.

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